Haru in Florida

As one can guess from the title, I am in Florida now. I am very much in the mindset that I will be back in Japan. Although most people are happy for me to be back, I wish I could reciprocate the feelings, but I honestly can’t feel the same. Even if I spend longer in the U.S. than I would like, every action I'm taking here is being used as a stepping stone to return to Japan. I know this isn’t just a fleeting feeling because I’m committed to the point where I started seriously studying 尊敬語 & 謙譲語 (honorific & humble language used in Japanese business situations) and am determined to take the JLPT N2 at the end of the year.

Of course, once I left Japan, four different friends decided to move there. Three of them asked me for Tokyo recommendations. Even though I might not be in Tokyo, I can still write about it. Additionally, as someone looking to enter the marketing/social media/communications sphere, I need to get back into it. When I was teaching and would slack off in my Japanese studies, I was motivated by the fact that, as a teacher, I should follow the advice I gave my students. If not, I felt very hypercritical.

Please look forward to Japan guides, stories of wonderful memories from Japan (which I've written but haven't shared), and a story or two from Florida. よろしくお願いします!


Home Sweet Nagoya